

Toxin Injections

Performing A Botox or Toxin Injection

In this section we will go into detail about how to perform a toxin injection using a customized amount of toxin.

Step 1:

First step is to make sure you have entered your clinic supplies in the catalogue for your clinic. See this page for how to setup your clinic and add your clinic supplies.

Setup Your Clinic.

Step 2:

After this is complete and you have all your clinic supplies loaded into the system, you can perform your injections for toxins and/or fillers. You can setup one service in the system for all your toxin and filler injections or you can setup a separate service for each. emily has been designed to do both at the same time (toxins and fillers on one template) but if you prefer, you can have 2 different appointment types.

In emily, you can assign any amount of toxin or filler to a patient and you only require one service in the system to do so. It is not uncommon for users to want to setup different services for different amounts of filler because that was the only way to do it in other software applications. That is not the case for emily, this application was designed specifically to accommodate injectable treatments and this specific workflow.


You can also create favorites that you can use at any time in the future. These favorites are saved on a use-level so each provider/user can have their own list of injection favorites.

Previous Treatments

Previous treatments can also be added to the injection template with one click of a button. You can then add more previous treatments, more favorites or another custom amount of filler or toxin to the injection template to complete your treatment.

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