

Add eForms To A Service

How To Add eForms To A Service

Add electronic forms such as consent forms, post care forms, treatment forms, intake forms to each of your clinic services by taking the following steps:


Step 1, 2:

Go To: Management>Catalogue>Services


Step 3:

Click the edit button for the service you wish to add eforms to.


Step 4:

At the bottom of the edit service panel, click on the eforms button to see a list of eforms for your clinic and/or click the eTreatment forms button to see the list of treatment forms available to use.


eForms are customized specifically for your clinic although you can download existing eforms that other clinics have shared to customize for your own use.


eTreatment forms can be downloaded and then customized for your own particular use case.

emily emr adding eforms and etreatment forms to a service in emily
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