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Clinic Supplies

Adding and Managing Clinic Supplies


Add clinic supplies to your inventory in emily quickly and easily. emily can track your cost for each item as well as the sale price for each item so make sure you enter both numbers.

  • Go To Settings>Catalogue>Clinic Supplies
  • Click “Add Clinic Supply” button and a modal will open where you can select the clinic supply you want to add.  Note: You can add the same clinic supply more than once! You could do this if you want to have different versions of the same clinic supply to use. Example: You have multiple different prices/dilutions for Botox that you inject.
  • Select the clinic supply you want to add and a window on the right side will open with the following fields to complete.
    • Display name: this is the name you want to see on the injection template and on patient invoices.
    • Price per unit – this is the default sale price to the patient per unit
    • Cost per unit – this is your cost of purchasing. ie., if you buy 100U of toxin for $100 then you would enter $1 here as the cost is $1/Unit.
    • Units on hand – this is your current inventory number of Units
    • Sort order – you can arrange the order of each clinic supply. ie., if you have 4 toxins in use, you can set how you want them arranged for ease of use.
  • Click the “Update” button to save your new clinic supply.
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